Eva Monkey at Anime USA

By The Eva Monkey on Wednesday, November 10th, 2010

It came together very last minute, but I managed to find my way onto the ballot at Anime USA this year. I missed the deadline by a few days and was on the wait list until just the other day. I’m pleased to see that there are actually several Evangelion panels over the course of the weekend.

Here’s what’s on the schedule for the weekend:

Friday – 1:00-2:00 PM – Panels 3:
Evangelion is Serious Business (Me)

Saturday – 2:30-3:30 PM – Workshop 1:
Eva Fan Panel (LegendaryBroli)

Sunday – 10:00-11:00 AM – Panels 1:
Abraham, Jesus and Shinji (Charles Dunbar)

My panel, Evangelion Is Serious Business, is an informative and occasionally humorous overview of Evangelion as a multimedia franchise, including information on a variety of things, including video releases, manga series, books, ova, etc. If you saw me at Otakon this year, you’ve see the first presentation of this.

I don’t know what LegendaryBroli has in plans for the Eva Fan Panel but I’m sure it will be enjoyable.

Charles Dunbar will be holding up the rear with what might be the last presentation of Abraham, Jesus and Shinji, his “survey of religious elements, symbology and philosophy in Neon Genesis Evangelion”. I’ve not gotten to see it yet, so I’m hoping it will be informative and insightful. Religion plays a fairly significant part in developing the visuals, themes, and plot of Evangelion, so I can’t think of a better topic to focus on in delivering an educational panel.

If you’ll be at Anime USA this weekend, please stop by any of the three Evangelion panels and say hello.