Evangelion Ichiban Kuji Goods

By The Eva Monkey on Thursday, February 10th, 2011

Evangelion Ichiban Kuji Sachiel MouseSo I was made aware of the fact that Revoltech is making a figure of Jehuty from Zone of the Enders.  I got really excited about this, and ended up reading about it on Tomopop’s website.  Subsequently, this ended up being one of those occasions where I decided to put “evangelion” into their search function, and see what wonders the site would return to me.  Now, if you can imagine for a moment what the male equivalent of a fangirl squeal might be, you’ll have a pretty good idea of my reaction to finding out that a company called Ichiban Kuji released a whole bunch of practical Eva goods, including an optical mouse and mousepad set designed to look like the third angel, Sachiel.  According to Tomopop, these goods are very hard to come by, which I can somewhat corroborate.  I did a pretty good search on eBay, and could find nothing, which is saying something, as these items are only about a year old.

So if anyone out there knows anything about getting their hands on one of these Sachiel mouse/mousepad sets, drop me an email?

DO WANT.  plz k thx bai.