Matt Greenfield discusses Live Action Evangelion on SBS Podcasts

By The Eva Monkey on Thursday, February 3rd, 2011

Matt Greenfield discusses Live Action Evangelion on SBS PodcastsIt’s been awhile since live action Evangelion popped up on the radar.  Part of me was hoping that the demise of ADV Films meant that the project was more or less finished, but Matt Greenfield indicates that the project is still moving forward.  It’s nice to know at least one new detail… that the script hasn’t been “finalized”.  Still, after nearly eight years of development hell, I question how many people are still sincerely interested in seeing the project successful, and if it has dragged on too long and the odds are unlikely it will pull through and get made.  I hate to sound negative, but I think live action Evangelion is a bad idea.  Just look at the recent crop of live action anime films made here in America… Dragon Ball Evolution… Speed Racer…  If anyone was going to make a live action Evangelion film, I would have hoped it would have been Anno.  And I think these new “Rebuild” films that Anno is making are filling the void that the live action project should have filled several years ago.