Rebuild of Evangelion 2.0: First Look

By The Eva Monkey on Friday, September 21st, 2007

The New GirlJust like our first look at Rebuild of Evangelion 1.0 back in July, our first look at Rebuild 2.0 is another shitty cam rip, probably with a cellphone, or the video capabilities of a still digital camera. It’s shitty, and you love it. You want it. You need it. You eat it up. You ask for more. Unfortunately for you, there is none… for now. The most notable aspect of this video, is that as you can see in the preview image, this is the first time we see the new character to be introduced in the next film. That is where things are going to be truly interesting, and judging by forum discussion, fans right now are more interested in seeing the second film than the first one. I for one am among them. Having listened to the audio, and read the reviews, the first film plays very close to the original, but all current indications are that the further installments will give us Eva fans, especially the hardened ones who have re-digested the existing series repeatedly over the last decade, something new and hopefully fresh to enjoy and discuss. Much like the time that the movies and director’s cuts were released to western fans, it’s a great time to be an Eva fan. I hope you all look forward to seeing what develops.