Rejected from Anipike

By The Eva Monkey on Friday, June 6th, 2003 in Eva Monkey, Site Updates.

Been spending quite a few evenings working till the early hours of the morning, which is taking its toll. I submitted Eva Monkey to Anipike, and was rejected. The reason, my site was “Under Construction”. OH NO!!! A site that’s under construction! That’s unacceptable! Blah, its been a crappy day, and I was hoping for […]

FanimeCon and Otakon

By The Eva Monkey on Wednesday, June 4th, 2003 in Conventions.

Well, FanimeCon is all but out of the question. Which is a major dissapointment, however I do have something else to look forward to. Otakon has offered me a slot to run an Evangelion Q&A panel. That should be very interesting, and will surely be the highlight of the convention for me. Given that fact, […]