Keep your comments to yourself, please.

By The Eva Monkey on Sunday, April 18th, 2004 in Eva Monkey.

Agravated webmaster rant I wanted to avoid adressing anyone in particular through the site, but I recieved a comment on my personal journal in regards to my site, and as it exists in the public domain, I will post it here, so that people will understand where I am coming from with this. You can […]

Last Minute Update

By The Eva Monkey on Monday, April 12th, 2004 in Uncategorized.

So, I was sitting at my desk last night, a few minutes shy of midnight, playing Dr. Mario and listening to Digitally Imported European Trance. And I thought to myself…. oh yeah…. tommorow’s monday…. I have to do an update. So…. this is actually only going to be a brief update. Mostly just stuff I’ve […]

Not to be confused with an April Fools…

By The Eva Monkey on Sunday, April 4th, 2004 in AMVs, Live Action Evangelion, Video.

Now, before you get all excited, let me just tell you that this is a FAKE MOVIE POSTER. It is probably one of the more competent fakes I’ve seen, and the only reason I’m posting it is because I want to avoid any and all rumors from starting. Much like FofR over at TrivialBeing, I […]

Guardians of Order, Cutie Honey, Ask John, and Neo Pokemon Evangelion

By The Eva Monkey on Monday, March 22nd, 2004 in Eva Monkey, Mildly Evangelion, Site Updates.

Evangelion/Gainax News Guardians of Order Inc. will, in association with ADV, be releasing two Evangelion RPG guides this fall. They will detail the series and the director’s cuts. If they will detail the movies is unclear. They will contain numerous color images, as well as character and episode guides, rule mechanics, roleplaying sheets, and more. […]

Ikari Shinji Ikusei Keikaku,, and an Eva Half-Life Mod

By The Eva Monkey on Monday, March 15th, 2004 in AMVs, Fandom, Manga, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Neon Genesis Evangelion (manga), News, Video, Video Games.

Evangelion/Gainax News I don’t have much this week, there are a few things I have on the back burner, but they just aren’t ready to be posted. One thing to be aware of is that the second edition of the first volume of the Eva manga has been released by Viz. Volume eight should be […]

Site Traffic Report, and New Written Statements

By The Eva Monkey on Monday, February 23rd, 2004 in Eva Monkey, Site Updates.

Eva Monkey Updates First of all, I would like you to look at this log of my traffic over the last year, which absolutely kicks ass and makes me speechless at the same time. Last month my traffic went up dramatically, so I would like to keep up on that by going into an advertising […]

Updates, Katsucon, and One Hour Photo

By The Eva Monkey on Tuesday, February 17th, 2004 in Conventions, Eva Monkey, Site Updates.

Eva Monkey Updates Not a whole lot for this week, I had to restructure the entire site, and I was away for the weekend at Katsucon, so I don’t have much new. However I did begin work on the Eva Monkey FAQ, which as you can tell will be similar to that of Eva Otaku’s. […]

Eva Monkey Redesign

By The Eva Monkey on Saturday, January 31st, 2004 in Eva Monkey, Site Updates.

Surprise! after a year of service to the Evangelion community, I decided to go even further by giving the site a much need overhaul. This took hours and hours of designing, I just couldn’t nail down a design that I liked. But this is the new design, that for all I know could be around […]