Atop The Fourth Wall covers The Shinji Ikari Detective Journal

By The Eva Monkey on Thursday, July 31st, 2014

Linkara of Atop the Fourth Wall recently performed a live show at Anime Midwest 2014 where he covered the Shinji Ikari Detective Diary.  If you’re unfamiliar with Atop the Fourth Wall, it’s a web show that covers and riffs on comics that are awful in various ways.

Now, I haven’t been terribly supportive of Detective Diary in the past, I’ve mostly expressed shock and confusion that it made it into English, and more recently, deep regret that I inevitably purchased both volumes.  I’m not alone in feeling this way about Detective Diary.  It may just be a very clever and self-aware parody, but many of us can’t get past the fact that it bears the name “Neon Genesis Evangelion”, and many deride it as terrible alternate universe fan fiction.  If you know absolutely nothing about Detective Diary, between Likara’s video, and this one LiveJournal user’s assessment, you should be fairly well covered.

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